Saturday, 29 September 2012

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How to use Havij to deface a website

Firstly You'll need to CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD HAVIJ And if you haven’t read about SQL injection basis, I strongly advice you CLICK HERE


Run Havij. Now copy paste the SQL Injection vulnerable website into TARGET and click the ANALYZE BUTTON Now be patient while havij get information about the website like Database Name, Server, Etc. Secondly, we need to get the table of the website. Now click on Tables and click on Get tables and exercise some patience to get the database tables. Thirdly, after getting the tables, Scroll through the entire tables founded, If you suspect any field where admin usernames or password are stored, Thick on it and click on get columns Now to the final stage, Click on get data to get the password and username of admin. Now you have the admin usernames and password. Simply take note of only the username. = > The password you got is in Md5 format and cannot be used to login to the website directly. What we need to do is too simply click on the MD5 tab on havij and paste the password into the text field and click on start. Now havij gives you the real password. = > Now click on the get admin tab to get the admin login page of the website. = > After getting the admin login page URL, Simply open it in your browser and login using the username and passwords we got previously. That it, you are now the admin of the website. You can simply change and delete whatever you want on the server. N.B => These tutorials is only for educational purposes, do not implement it on innocent people websites. If you find vulnerabilities on any website, simply report it to the admin of the website via the contact form. Thanks for Reading.
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